Thursday, November 16, 2017

TWO upcoming events:
PLEASE NOTE: Dec. meeting is on the 1st Wed, (Dec. 6) rather than the usual 3rd.

We had a great Swampy Science Meeting. Our first "Book Club" discussion. Ten people attended and we had a lively discussion about Joe Romm's book "Climate Change." Thanks to everyone who attended!!!!

I look forward to future book club discussions.

Ps, it's not too late to get the summary of the book that I wrote up. Just email to

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Climate change discussion: Nov. 15. Please come!!!

I have written a brief summary of the book. Please email me at if you'd like the pdf of the summary. (I can't figure out how to link a pdf)

PLEASE feel free to attend even if you haven't read the book. We just would like discussion!!! 

REMINDER: We are having a book club discussion of the book:

Climate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know by Joe Romm.

Also, there is a good podcast interview with the author.

Also, this is the author's website.